pyPhenology: A python framework for plant phenology modelling

Published in The Journal of Open Source Software, 2018

Recommended citation: Taylor, (2018). pyPhenology: A python framework for plant phenology modelling . Journal of Open Source Software, 3(28), 827,

This is a software package, written in python, that allows for building process based plant phenology models. I created a lot of usefull tools for myself to build and decided to package up this aspect of it for others to use. The same models I’ve used have been used in hundreds of studies, yet many researchers go about the work of tranlating the models to code by themselves. I hope this package will allow other researchers to more quickly get to the modelling step of their own work. It will also allow others to check the implementation of models and add new ones without rewriting core functionality.

The documentation for this package is available here: